Програма за пригодност и резултатност на регулаторната рамка (REFIT) (A8-0208/2015 – Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann)
април 12, 2016
Положението в Средиземно море и необходимостта от всеобхватен подход на ЕС към миграцията (A8-0066/2016 – Roberta Metsola, Kashetu Kyenge)
април 12, 2016

Годишни доклади за 2012 и 2013 г. относно субсидиарността и пропорционалността (A8-0301/2015 – Sajjad Karim)

Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE ), in writing

There is no doubt that principles of subsidiarity and proportionality should apply to EU’s common commerce policy in a proper way. This is so, because of the importance of the policy in the formation process of EU’s economic relations with third countries and regional organisations. Thereby, in a long term perspective, both principles (subsidiarity and proportionality) will bring transparency in cases when the Union carry out trade negotiations which on the other hand will speed up ratification procedure of trade agreements between the EU and a third party.

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