Доклад за Босна и Херцеговина за 2015 г. (B8-0441/2016)
април 14, 2016
Използване на резервационни данни на пътниците (EC – РДП) (A8-0248/2015 – Timothy Kirkhope)
април 14, 2016

Доклад за Турция за 2015 г. (B8-0442/2016)

Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE ), in writing

I have supported the report because Turkey is not only a candidate country for EU membership, but also our strategic partner. It is important to note that in recent years Turkey has been hit by one of the deadliest waves of terrorism in our time, while at the same time the country has been hosting the largest refugee population in the world and has been experiencing instability from the ongoing conflict in neighbouring Syria. Namely in the context of a complicated security situation, we should acknowledge Turkey’s commitment for reforms and alienation with the acquis. Although in slow pace, progress has been achieved in the areas of company law, financial services, financial control, the customs union and trans-European networks. In this regard, Turkey’s continual commitment to the fulfilment of the Copenhagen criteria should be viewed as an opportunity for Turkey to strengthen its institutions and continue its process of democratisation and modernisation.

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