Положението в Унгария: последващи действия във връзка с резолюцията на Европейския парламент от 10 юни 2015 г. (B8-1349/2015, B8-1351/2015, B8-1351/2015, B8-1358/2015, B8-1359/2015, B8-1360/2015, B8-1361/2015)
декември 16, 2015
Отношенията между ЕС и Китай (A8-0350/2015 – Bas Belder)
декември 16, 2015

Подготовка за Световната среща на върха по хуманитарните въпроси: предизвикателства и възможности за предоставянето на хуманитарна помощ (A8-0332/2015 – Enrique Guerrero Salom)

Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE ), in writing

I supported the resolution because for one reason or another, there are ongoing humanitarian crises all over the world. In this context, upcoming world humanitarian summit is our opportunity to change not only the life of affected people but also to bring back humanity and human rights at the top of our agenda. Seen in this light the EU as the biggest aid donor in the world and human rights champion, must take the leading role in upcoming meeting. Perhaps what is more important is the fact that as a leading power at the summit the EU must offer to the summit participants new innovative measures, policies and instruments to tackle ongoing humanitarian crises. Leadership is not an easy thing therefore we must prepare for it if we would like to continue to be world’s leading humanitarian power.

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