Статут на пазарна икономика на Китай (B8-0604/2016, B8-0605/2016, RC-B8-0607/2016, B8-0607/2016, B8-0608/2016, B8-0609/2016, B8-0610/2016, B8-0611/2016, B8-0612/2016)
май 12, 2016
Задължителен автоматичен обмен на информация в областта на данъчното облагане (A8-0157/2016 – Dariusz Rosati)
май 12, 2016

Проследимостта на рибните продукти и продуктите от аквакултури в заведенията за хранене и търговията на дребно (B8-0581/2016)

Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE ), in writing

European citizens deserve to consume fishery and aquaculture products of good quality and clear origin. Unfortunately, nowadays fish products that are being sold on the EU market are not labelled and have unclear origin. In fact, this practice is a breach of EU regulations, in particular the Common Fisheries Policy, and may constitute a criminal offence under national law. In order to tackle successfully this illegal practice, we should promote an EU wide ecolabel for fisheries and aquaculture products in order to provide transparent information to consumers. In case that we manage to implement EU ecolabel then we will guarantee the health of EU citizens, development of EU fishing industry, protection of EU marine resources from illegal fishing. Therefore, it is our duty to support and improve traceability of fishery and aquaculture products on the EU market.

Тази публикация е достъпна и на следните езици: Английски