Защита на висшите интереси на детето (в трансграничен план) в Европа (разискване)
април 27, 2016
Жените домашни помощници и болногледачки в ЕС (A8-0053/2016 – Kostadinka Kuneva)
април 28, 2016

Равенство между половете и предоставяне на възможности за заемане на ръководни длъжности на жените в ерата на цифровите технологии (A8-0048/2016 – Terry Reintke)

Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE ), in writing

There is no doubt that the ICT industry is the fastest growing sector of world’s economy. Therefore, EU’s “Digital Agenda” for growth, mobility and employment is a central pillar of Europe 2020 strategy. It is important to note that due to differences in demands and skills the EU may be in lack of ICT workers in 2020. To fill this gap, we should encourage more women to enter the digital jobs market. Nowadays only 6 percent of ICT developers in Europe are women, only 19 percent of bosses in the ICT and communications sectors are females (compared with 45 percent in other service sectors) and women represent just 19 percent of ICT entrepreneurs (compared with 54 percent in other service sectors). Looking from this perspective it could be argued that empowering women in the tech sector will provide not only a boost to the economy but also and perhaps most importantly will allow their full participation in the society.

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