Производства по несъстоятелност и синдици (A8-0324/2016 – Tadeusz Zwiefka)
декември 14, 2016
Масови гробове в Ирак
декември 15, 2016

Трети страни, чиито граждани трябва да притежават виза или са освободени от това изискване: преразглеждане на механизма за суспендиране (A8-0235/2016 – Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra)

Илхан Кючюк (ALDE ), in writingI supported the proposal for temporary suspension of the visa exemption for the nationals of a third country for a short period of time, as a matter of urgency and on the basis of well-defined criteria, to solve possible difficulties faced by one or several Member States. In particular, I welcome the proposal that both EU member states and the European Commission will be able to trigger the visa waiver suspension mechanism in one or more of the following cases: a substantial increase in the number of nationals of the country are refused entry to or stay irregularly in EU territory, a substantial increase in unfounded asylum applications and a decrease in cooperation on readmissions (returns of migrants). I strongly believe that the approval of the suspension mechanism will not have a negative effect on the agreement that paved the way for visa waivers to Georgia and Ukraine.

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