20-а годишнина от подписването на Дейтънското мирно споразумение (B8-1350/2015, RC-B8-1362/2015, B8-1362/2015, B8-1363/2015, B8-1364/2015, B8-1396/2015, B8-1397/2015, B8-1398/2015, B8-1401/2015)
декември 17, 2015
Евентуална опасност от смъртно наказание за Ибрахим Халауа
декември 17, 2015

Годишен доклад за 2014 г. относно правата на човека и демокрацията по света и политиката на ЕС в тази област (A8-0344/2015 – Cristian Dan Preda)

Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE ), in writing

As we can see from the 2014 human rights and democracy report the world is going backwards. The dark memories of times when human rights were constantly abused are reflected in today’s world news.

In this inhuman and intolerant international environment the EU should step up as a champion of human rights. We should seek a better human rights record from our trading partners, political allies and prospective members. Most importantly we should not stop our continuing effort to improve the human rights record within our borders, in particular in our Member States. Because if we manage to fully deal with lack of freedom of expression, racism, exploitation and gender crimes within our borders then there is no reason why we cannot do so outside of them. I hope that the 2016 human rights and democracy report will show a better human rights record worldwide; if not, then we should bear in mind that we have failed.

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