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MRF MEPs vote in favor of a stronger EU after the COVID-19 crisis

Ilhan KYUCHYUK, Iskra MIHAYLOVA and Atidzhe ALIEVA-VELI in the EP in Strasbourg

The extraordinary plenary session, on which the resolution on combating the coronavirus pandemic and its effects was voted, was scheduled for 16 April at the request of the Renew Europe Group.

The European Parliament voted on a resolution on the need for coordinated action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, as well as on accompanying legislative changes in the spirit of the institution’s position. The resolution includes a wide range of proposals and key actions at EU level to respond to the current crisis and to enhance the Union’s preparedness for the future.

“The European Union must strengthen its capacity to respond to such situations and its coordinated approach for protecting the health and life of European citizens. Further, we need to take care of the economy and jobs affected by the pandemic. We must also not forget that we are a Union of values ​​and cannot allow this crisis to be used to push through anti-democratic measures. On the contrary, we must use this opportunity to reform the EU and to emerge from the crisis stronger, more prepared and more up to the challenge. Last but not least – if we are to be a globally relevant actor, we must also stand in solidarity with the countries in the EU’s neighborhood. These are precisely the main lines that the MRF delegation supported in the process of drafting the resolution text and in support of which we voted today.”, commented Ilhan Kyuchyuk, Head of the MRF Delegation to the Renew Europe Group.

The supported text underlines that cooperation is the only way to successfully overcome the crisis, calling on the European Commission and the Member States to act together in the name of a stronger EU after its end. With the resolution, MEPs call for concrete measures to strengthen the European solidarity and action in the health sector. In response to the socio-economic impact of the crisis, the EP calls for an ambitious multiannual financial framework and a large-scale recovery and investment package. The text also underlines the need to protect European values ​​and the rule of law, in particular in Hungary and Poland, eliminating the attempts at political and economic influence by external to the EU forces, and calls for a deep reflection on how the Union can become more effective and democratic by engaging in dialogue with its citizens on a deep reform within the framework of the planned Conference on the Future of Europe.

“The position of ‘Renew Europe’, which ended up being reflected in the call of the European Parliament, which we voted today, is for a reformed, stronger and adequate to the trans-national challenges Europe. The decisions we make today will affect how the EU will look after the coronavirus. Now is the time to learn the lessons of the pandemic and act in the spirit of true solidarity, so that this crisis can offer an opportunity – for a stronger and united EU after it,” said Iskra Mihaylova, Vice President of the Renew Europe Group.

“For us, the MRF representatives in the Renew Europe Group there is no doubt that all possible instruments must be used for a massive economic recovery package in order to stabilize the small and medium-sized businesses and to keep jobs, especially in severely affected sectors such as agriculture and tourism.”, added Atidzhe Alieva – Veli, Member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development.

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