Ban on the veterinary use of diclofenac
December 14, 2014
Motion for a resolution on Russia, in particular the case of Alexey Navalny
January 13, 2015

Motion for a resolution on the situation in Ukraine (2014/2965(RSP))


See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B8-0008/2015


to wind up the debate on the statement by the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
pursuant to Rule 123(2) of the Rules of Procedure

on the situation in Ukraine (2014/2965(RSP))

Johannes Cornelis van Baalen, Petras Auštrevičius, Louis Michel, Catherine Bearder, Fredrick Federley, Paavo Väyrynen, Kaja Kallas, Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz, Ivo Vajgl, Urmas Paet, Pavel Telička, Juan Carlos Girauta Vidal, Dita Charanzová, Fernando Maura Barandiarán, Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea, Ilhan Kyuchyuk, Martina Dlabajová, Ivan Jakovčić, Jozo Radoš, Petr Ježek, Gérard Deprez, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, Marietje Schaake on behalf of the ALDE Group

European Parliament resolution on the situation in Ukraine (2014/2965(RSP))

The European Parliament,

– having regard to its previous resolutions on the European Neighbourhood Policy, on the Eastern Partnership (EaP) and on Ukraine, with particular reference to its resolution of 27 February 2014 on the situation in Ukraine(1), the resolution of 13 March 2014 on Ukraine’s invasion by Russia(2), the resolution of 17 April 2014 on Russian pressure on Eastern Partnership countries and in particular the destabilisation of eastern Ukraine(3), the resolution of 17 July 2014 on the situation in Ukraine(4) and the resolution of 18 September 2014 on the situation in Ukraine and the state of play of EU-Russia relations(5),

– having regard to the European Council conclusions of 23 and 24 October on Ukraine and to the Foreign Affairs Council conclusions of 17 November,

– having regard to the signing of the final parts of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and the DCFTA in May 2014 and to the ratification and consent given to these agreements by the European Parliament and the Verkhovna Rada in September 2014,

– having regard to the Minsk Protocol of 5 September 2014 and the Minsk Memorandum of 19 September 2014,

– having regard to the successful conduct of the parliamentary election in Ukraine on 26 October 2014,

– having regard to the continued occupation of Crimea and to the ongoing fighting in the eastern parts of Ukraine, to the credible and undisputable proof of involvement of the Russian military force in the fighting and to the urgent need to find a sustainable and comprehensive political solution to this conflict,

– having regard to Rule 123(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas the autumn of 2014 was marked by continued fighting between Ukrainian forces and illegally armed groups in Donetsk and Luhansk, and whereas the Minsk agreements have yet to be fully implemented and respected;

B. whereas the presidential and parliamentary elections in Ukraine were conducted in line with European and OSCE standards, thus paving the way for sustained political and economic reforms, for a serious fight against corruption and for the implementation of the association agreement, essential to restoring democratic legitimacy in the Ukrainian state leadership;

C. whereas the so-called ‘presidential and parliamentary elections’ in Donetsk and Luhansk on 2 November 2014 breached Ukrainian legislation and the Minsk agreements, and therefore cannot be recognised;

D. whereas the onset of winter will further aggravate the hardship and suffering facing the civilian population, in particular in the eastern part of Ukraine, but also in Crimea and among those that are displaced from their homes;

E. whereas there are credible reports, including UN reports, of serious human rights violations in Donetsk and Luhansk, and in particular in Crimea, including reports on summary executions, disappearances and other serious breaches of international human rights laws and standards;

F. whereas the armed conflict in the eastern part of Ukraine has resulted in thousands of military and civilian casualties, with many more wounded and hundreds of thousands having fled their homes or enduring the insecurity of months of fighting;

G. whereas the conflict has worsened the state of the Ukrainian economy, resulting in a fall in GDP of 7.5 % this year, and whereas major economic and anti-corruption reforms will have to be implemented;

H. whereas there is no military solution to this conflict, but only a solution based on a political dialogue and agreement within Ukraine, according to the peace plan presented by President Poroshenko, which includes more local and regional governance based on full respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity and independence;

I. whereas the ceasefire agreement signed in Minsk on 5 September 2014 still remains the best basis for the efforts towards a political solution, despite numerous violations of the ceasefire agreement; whereas all parties must implement the agreements made in Minsk; whereas the continuation of the negotiations scheduled to be held in Minsk in December 2014 were cancelled;

J. whereas the EU Foreign Affairs Council of 17 November 2014 took a decision in principle on further sanctions targeting separatist leaders;

1. Reiterates its condolences to the families of the civilian and military victims of the fighting in the eastern part of Ukraine and deeply regrets the humanitarian suffering caused by this conflict;

2. Underlines that there can only be a negotiated political solution to this conflict, based on the Minsk agreements and on the peace plan presented by President Poroshenko, which would create a more decentralised structure of the Ukrainian state; stresses that all sides should fully implement and respect the Minsk agreements and thus allow for a gradual de-escalation of the conflict; regrets that the negotiations which were scheduled to take place at the end of December 2014 in Minsk were cancelled without any other result than an agreement on the exchange of prisoners; calls on all sides to do their utmost to achieve a speedy resumption of the negotiations;

3. Calls on all sides to refrain from using any form of violence; emphasises that the end of violence is the first urgently needed step in a successful political process towards a resolution of the conflict;

4. Repeats its condemnation of the Russian occupation and annexation of Crimea and condemns all foreign influence and support to the so-called separatist forces in the eastern parts of Ukraine; underlines that these actions are in breach of international law and constitute a serious challenge to the European security situation; reiterates its commitment to the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine’s borders, and its right to make a free choice;

5. Calls on the Russian Federation to withdraw any military personnel from Ukrainian territory without delay and to refrain from redeploying these any time in the future; calls on Russia to take urgent measures to control its border with Ukraine and to halt all incursions and movements of irregular fighters, arms and equipment, in order to stop any further infiltration of Ukrainian territory;

6. Calls on the Russian leadership to use its influence with the separatists to persuade them to engage in the political process; calls on all sides to end belligerent rhetoric in the interests of peace and reconciliation;

7. Asks the Ukrainian Government to use its authority to prevent and condemn the use of extremist and totalitarian symbols;

8. Stresses that the EU and the Council of Europe should stand ready to offer assistance and expertise during the work on more decentralised governance in Ukraine; underlines that under no circumstances should the separatists have veto power over Ukraine’s foreign policy choices; stresses, however, the importance of securing broad consensus regarding the most important political decisions in the fields of internal and foreign policy;

9. Stresses that EU sanctions cannot be lifted before there are signs of clear progress in the peace process in Ukraine, and stands ready to impose further sanctions; stresses the reversibility and scalability of EU restrictive measures and that they can be amended, suspended or repealed as needed; emphasises that the EU as a whole should remain united when considering how best to deal with the situation as it evolves; calls on the Commission to monitor the impact of the Russian so-called ‘counter-sanctions’ and to take swift measures to support producers who are hit by the Russian trade restrictions;

10. Emphasises that the OSCE has a crucial role to play in resolving the Ukrainian crisis owing to its experience in dealing with armed conflict and crises and to the fact that both the Russian Federation and Ukraine are members of the organisation; calls on the Member States, the High Representative and the Commission to make further efforts to strengthen the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine with personnel and equipment; emphasises the need to deploy without any further delay the OSCE monitors along all parts of the Ukrainian-Russian border currently under the control of the separatists;

11. Calls on the High Representative and the Council to consider appointing a senior and high-level EU Special Representative for Ukraine and the Ukraine conflict, which could facilitate the efforts to reach a peaceful solution;

12. Expresses its deep concern regarding the humanitarian situation in eastern Ukraine, in Crimea, and for the internally displaced persons in Ukraine, as well as those among the refugees in Russia, in light of the harsh winter conditions; points out the urgent need for further assistance and relief to the population in the conflict-affected areas, internally displaced people and refugees; echoes the alerts issued by the WHO to the effect that eastern Ukraine is facing a health emergency, with hospitals not fully functioning and a shortage of medicines and vaccines; calls for further urgent efforts from the international community, including the EU, to support the most deprived; recalls that the delivery of humanitarian aid to the eastern part of Ukraine must be carried out in full compliance with international humanitarian law and the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence, and in close coordination with the Ukrainian Government, the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC); expresses the wish that a delegation of the European Parliament could visit the zone of conflict;

13. Calls on the Commission and the EEAS to draw up urgently a comprehensive and ambitious financial assistance and aid package for Ukraine, and to support the work on a political solution and on national reconciliation; calls further on the Commission to take every measure to ensure smooth and early implementation of the Association Agreement with Ukraine, as a key instrument for developing relations between the EU and Ukraine in every dimension covered, and emphasises that it is a bilateral agreement; calls on Ukraine to fulfil its commitments as part of the EU’s temporary trade arrangements;

14. Reiterates its view, in this context, that this agreement does not constitute the final goal in EU-Ukraine relations; points out, furthermore, that pursuant to Article 49 TEU, Ukraine – like any other European state – has a European perspective and may apply to become a member of the European Union, provided it adheres to the Copenhagen criteria and the principles of democracy, respects fundamental freedoms and human and minority rights, and ensures the rule of law and transparency;

15. Strongly believes that an ambitious anti-corruption programme, including zero tolerance for corruption, is urgently needed in Ukraine to restore citizens’ trust in the state, the judicial system, public authorities and law enforcement bodies; welcome the recent adoption of the package of anti-corruption laws by the Verkhovna Rada and stresses the importance of these laws being timely and properly implemented;

16. Calls on the newly appointed Ministers of Economy and Finance not to delay the implementation of the necessary reforms to restore economic growth in Ukraine; regards as crucial the mission of the EU support group for Ukraine to identify the areas where technical assistance is needed to support Ukraine in the development and implementation of a comprehensive reform programme;

17. Notes that while the ceasefire agreement includes some stipulations on impunity for those involved in the conflict in the eastern part of Ukraine, no such decision can be taken for war crimes committed, including the act of terrorism constituted by the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17; emphasises that the perpetrators of the shooting-down must be brought to justice; underlines the importance of an independent, rapid and full investigation, delegated to the Dutch Safety Board; condemns the lack of access to the site of the downed airliner;

18. Welcomes the decision by the French Government to halt the delivery of the Mistral helicopter carriers, and calls on all Member States to take a similar line regarding exports not covered by the EU sanctions decisions, in particular as regards arms and dual-use materials;

19. Underlines the need for reform of Ukraine’s energy sector, in line with its Energy Community Commitments and the need to radically enhance the EU’s energy security, independence and resilience to external pressure, through the establishment of the European Energy Union, the further development of the energy infrastructure in the EU’s neighbourhood countries and the development of energy interconnectors between these countries and within the EU, in accordance with the objectives of the Energy Community, and to implement these projects of common interest as a priority; stresses that this will necessitate substantial investment in infrastructure;

20. Urges the Commission to begin preparations on the third ambitious package of macro‑financial assistance to Ukraine, and to play a leading role in organising the Donor Conference for Ukraine, involving international organisations, international financial institutions and civil society; stresses the importance of a commitment by the international community to support economic and political stabilisation and reform in Ukraine;

21. Draws attention to the recent credible reports on human rights violations in Crimea and in the conflict areas; supports the call on the Ukrainian Government to create a single, regularly updated register of incidents of reported abductions, and for the thorough and impartial investigation of all allegations of abuse of force, ill-treatment or torture on both sides of the conflict;

22. Underlines the need to reach out to Russian civil society in order to make it clear that the EU does not see the Russian people as its adversary but that the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine should be respected; if the Russian Government takes concrete steps to return to the principle of good neighbourly relations and the international legal order, this will be the basis for de-escalation;

23. Calls on the Member States to examine whether recent reports concerning financing from Russian banks and individuals to extreme right and extreme left political parties inside the EU constitute a violation of party financing legislation, and calls for a vigorous debate on the risks and challenges posed by this type of financial support and on whether current party finance legislation is fully adequate in light of these revelations;

24. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments of the Member States, the President, Government and Parliament of Ukraine, the President, Government and Parliament of the Russian Federation, and the Council of Europe.

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