January 19, 2016

Situation in Saudi Arabia and in Iran (debate)

Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE ), in writing Undoubtedly, the past few months have been crucial for Iran and Saudi Arabia. On the one hand, the nuclear deal […]
January 18, 2016

The role of intercultural dialogue, cultural diversity and education in promoting EU fundamental values (debate)

Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE ) Madam President, I would like to congratulate the rapporteur and all the shadow rapporteurs for their contribution to this report. Europe’s cultural, […]
December 17, 2015

Ibrahim Halawa potentially facing the death penalty

Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE ), in writing The arbitrary detention of Irish citizen Ibrahim Halawa represents a violation of human rights, international and Egyptian law. It is […]
December 17, 2015

Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2014 and the EU policy on the matter (A8-0344/2015 – Cristian Dan Preda)

Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE ), in writing  As we can see from the 2014 human rights and democracy report the world is going backwards. The dark memories […]
December 17, 2015

20th anniversary of the Dayton Peace agreement (B8-1350/2015, RC-B8-1362/2015, B8-1362/2015, B8-1363/2015, B8-1364/2015, B8-1396/2015, B8-1397/2015, B8-1398/2015, B8-1401/2015)

Илхан Кючюк (ALDE ), в писмена форма Подкрепих резолюцията, защото Дейтънското мирно споразумение, подписано през 1995 г. в Париж, сложи край на най-кървавата война в Европа […]
December 17, 2015

Arms export: implementation of the Common Position 2008/944/CFSP (A8-0338/2015 – Bodil Valero)

Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE ), in writing  Due to endless conflicts, the worldwide arms trade is on the rise. The arms industry is a major industry for […]
December 16, 2015

EU-China relations (A8-0350/2015 – Bas Belder)

Илхан Кючюк (ALDE ), в писмена форма Подкрепих доклада, защото стратегическото партньорство между ЕС и Китай е от основно значение за намирането на общи за двете […]
December 16, 2015

Preparing for the World Humanitarian Summit: Challenges and opportunities for humanitarian assistance (A8-0332/2015 – Enrique Guerrero Salom)

Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE ), in writing I supported the resolution because for one reason or another, there are ongoing humanitarian crises all over the world. In […]
December 16, 2015

Situation in Hungary: follow-up to the European Parliament Resolution of 10 June 2015 (B8-1349/2015, B8-1351/2015, B8-1351/2015, B8-1358/2015, B8-1359/2015, B8-1360/2015, B8-1361/2015)

Илхан Кючюк (ALDE ), в писмена форма Подкрепих резолюцията, защото Европейският съюз се основава на ценностите на зачитане на свободата, равенството, правовата държава, зачитането на правата […]