June 30, 2015

Ilhan Kyuchyuk: Raif Badawi deserves the Sakharov prize for his dignity and fight for freedom

My nomination for this year Sakharov Prize is Raif Badawi. He is real fighter for freedom, justice and dignity!
June 29, 2015

Ilhan Kyuchyuk will take part in the “Freedom of religion? The price of faith” discussion

Ilhan Kyuchyuk, Member of the European Parliament, will take part in the "Freedom of religion? The price of faith" discussion which will take place on June 30, 2015 from 15.30 to 17.30 in the European Parliament (Brussels), room A1E201.
June 20, 2015

Ilhan Kyuchyuk for Europost: The Dublin Regulation has proven to be a failure

Schengen is one of the European Union’s greatest achievements and last week we celebrated the 30th anniversary from the launch of the agreement. Joining the Schengen Area is becoming a chronic problem for Bulgaria and Romania.
June 16, 2015

Question about the growing number of killed journalists

Писмен въпрос до Европейската комисия Относно: Растящ брой на убити журналисти 16/06/2015 Преди дни местен индийски журналист беше изгорен жив, след като разобличи индийски политик в […]
June 11, 2015

Ilhan Kyuchyuk plenary speech on Syria situation in Palmyra

Honorable Mr. President, Dear Colleagues, Unfortunately the situation in Syria is dramatically escalating in the recent months and the actions of Assad regime, Daesh and other […]
June 10, 2015

State of EU-Russia relations (A8-0162/2015 – Gabrielius Landsbergis)

Илхан Кючюк (ALDE ), в писмена форма Подкрепяйки доклада искам да припомня, че наложените ограничителните мерки не са срещу руския народ, а срещу недемократичния модел на […]
June 10, 2015

Situation in Hungary (RC-B8-0532/2015, B8-0532/2015, B8-0533/2015, B8-0534/2015, B8-0535/2015, B8-0536/2015, B8-0537/2015)

Илхан Кючюк (ALDE ), в писмена форма Подкрепям резолюцията, защото Европейският съюз е основан на ценностите на зачитане на човешкото достойнство, свободата, равенството, правовата държава и […]
June 10, 2015

2014 Progress Report on Turkey (B8-0455/2015)

Илхан Кючюк (ALDE ), в писмена форма  Гласувах „за“ доклада, защото смятам, че Турция е най-важният регионален партньор на Европейския съюз и ние трябва да ги […]
June 10, 2015

Strategic military situation in the Black Sea Basin following the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia (debate)

Thank you Mr. President, Dear Colleagues, In 2007 the European Commission started its initiative for cooperation in the Black Sea region via the project “Black Sea […]